NEW LOOK! NEW PRICE!! These dog treats are 100% human-edible. We only use the best ingredients and what could be found in a common household kitchen. We are ditching the preservatives and giving our fur babies a healthy alternative that has a few extra perks! Each treat contains 5mg of CBD.
We recognize everyone is struggling with prices skyrocketing EVERYWHERE so we took a different approach moving forward! We have been working hard the last few months to lower our production costs and we’re passing our savings on to everyone. We’ve reduced the price, more than doubled the amount of treats in the bag and changed the size of the treats for easier dosing! We’re so very proud of our new packaging and as added bonus you now get 30 Treats for only $18.99!
Go to the "Testimonials" link to read about how these snacks are helping so many dogs!
Coopie Snacks - CBD Dog Treats
White Rice/Oat flour, Pumpkin, Peanut Butter, Eggs, Cinnamon, Pure Cannabis CBD Oil