FDA DISCLOSURE: Products should be used only as directed. Consult with a physician before use if you have a serious medical condition, are pregnant, are nursing, or use prescription medications. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA.
~These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease~
*Products are not available to those who live in the following states: Idaho, Nebraska, and South Dakota.*​​
where can i use it?
The gift card can be redeemed at the 19 locations in the Troy, Mo area listed below!
All Star Hauling & Demolition | Anchored Soul Boutique MO | Big Sticky's BBQ | Booths on Main / Secondhand Treasures | Budget Boutique | Country State of Mind Designs | Craft Midwestern Mommy | Creative K9 Pet Grooming | Cut The Craft | Euro Grill | Golden Brew Coffee | Green Light Drive Thru | Muddy Creek Clothing Boutique | Southern Grace Coffee | The Corgi Cookie Co. | The Currie Roots | The Mill House | The Null Creations & More | Wellness-Palooza