FDA DISCLOSURE: Products should be used only as directed. Consult with a physician before use if you have a serious medical condition, are pregnant, are nursing, or use prescription medications. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA.
~These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease~
*Products are not available to those who live in the following states: Idaho, Nebraska, and South Dakota.*​​
Meet the mother-daughter duo
meet the mother-daughter duo
Meet laura & bailey
Laura was diagnosed with a double autoimmune disease, spinal stenosis, degenerative disk disease, and multiple other health issues and five years ago was on 13 prescriptions and knew there was a better way to live.
After lots of research, she became a Certified Cannabis Coach, ditched ALL the prescriptions, and now helps others to get their life back as well.
Partnered with her daughter, who inherited the same health issues, we’ve made it our passion to educate as many people on the benefits of having a healthy Endocannabinoid System and the endless possibilities of using cannabis. We do individual counseling, home parties, and community events to help break the stigma and help people get healthy one person at a time.